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How to make money from Instagram

hey everyone this is pitiful gato and today I am really really really excited to bring you guys a video an awesome video this is hopefully gonna be in a really really valuable thing and I'm gonna be explaining how to make money with instagram i'm going to use instagram i'm going to do it step-by-step this might be a fairly long video but I'm gonna try to make this as clear as obvious as easy and simple step-by-step as pretty as possible because i know that's that's really the way we like to learn is to example so I'm going to through example show you guys exactly how to do it and show you guys the kind of results that I've gotten in the past quickly before that if you guys want easy step-by-step videos just like this one showing how you can make money online and at home please subscribe the golden got a YouTube channel there's a ton of videos and I'm going to help you get successful that's my that's my plan that's my goal for this channel so anyway let's get into it how to make money with instagram because that's what we're going to be talking about today alright so um I could give you a general just a general outline of how you're going to
 do it first of all you want to I guess build an Instagram account and we're going to get into that in just a second so don't be too worried build an Instagram account that has a lot of followers i'm going to teach you exactly how to do that very simple on building audience and then you're going to want to have an affiliate link or a product that you're just going to have in your bio and your bio is something that everybody sees and you know at if they go and follow you if they go to your Instagram homepage and they're going to see this they want to see your other pictures they're gonna see this they're gonna be constantly exposed to an offer from you that you're gonna be promoting that some kind of affiliate link meaning that you know if they click on that link and they download something or they buy something then you get some money for it or your own product so this is this is not contingent on whether you have your own product or not you can do it if you're offering nothing you're just selling other people's stuff so okay so we're going to talk about that today so those are really the two steps to build your Instagram account and then exactly how to how to promote the products to to essentially be a sponsor okay that's that's the real goal here ok so let's get into it so we're gonna go to Instagram right here and I kind of setup a new Instagram and I have made this a point up a point of this video is to provide an example so as an example today and you don't have to do this guy's you can do whatever niche you want and make sure to find a niche guys make sure to find something that you're interested in something that you can wake up every day and talk about and learn about and so just as an example I'm going to do fitness as you can see there's this rip dude in this picture how my story I don't know if that's super clear but I'm gonna do fitness because that's something that I do really like and that I could certainly do as a business I have a lot of beans Instagram accounts for businesses just for a little proof here i have over eight thousand followers on this instagram account i've used this instagram account for a bunch of different promotions product promotions in the past so I have developed quite a large following already but as you see i do know what I'm talking about when it comes to getting followers this is not something i'm joking about this is not you know scam or anything this is a very smart strategy of how to make money with instagram because it's it's really a tremendous opportunity for business and I think you guys should definitely know about it step-by-step so let's do it alright so i deleted all past post because I changed the theme of this instagram account I teams obviously the name of this instagram account to example name for video because that's exactly what this is all right and then I just changed the picture because i had to send a picture and I already was you know I was planning on this feels like moon alright let's set the theme to be fitness because that's something I care about okay so it says welcome to Instagram all this crap you know um I guess the first thing we want to do is to edit the profile and we're going to give this irrelevant profile name so that it has a terrific brand my example name is going to be I don't know what super buff dude sounding name is a Bradley that's not actually my name but let's just say that Bradley tough guy alright so Bradley tough guy Bradley tough-guy nope it's one word thank you very much that's my last name stupid arm Bradley tough guy is me and what's not actually me but it's gonna be me for this video and my example name for the video is going to be armed tough-guy fitness hot that I'm just making this up on the spot hopefully tough-guy fitness is not already taken it might be all and then my website is just gonna be alright so example affiliate link is obviously not what you want to be putting in this section here because you want to have your actual affiliate link or your product link i'm just gonna say affiliate link because affiliate marketing is an insanely profitable thing

 and talked about it before I want to talk about it more in the future when you get really in-depth an affiliate marketing and exactly how to do win with affiliate marketing a cheap awesome success in all the different things that I've done ok so here's example affiliate link remember guys make sure have an actual affiliate link so you can you can actually profit from this business because this is a very legitimate business and you need to take this seriously if you're going to pursue this any way right so it says example of philly Lincoln and the bio i'm going to say I guess ok I'll preface this so in your bio when you're pitching somebody a product or a link or something like that something you need to do is give them something this is called the principle of reciprocity and very important it's one of the chief influencers on cheap points of influence if you've ever read oh jeez what's his name killed charlie i really probably better that are butchered that but excuse me butchered that but arm he's a he's a psychologist and he said there's a bunch of these principles of persuasion and one of them is giving somebody something and in return they feel obligated to give you something back and in this case that's hopefully click on your link and becoming a customer for you so give something to somebody when you're with your product so you know check out my free ebook oopsies let's make this schematically correct why not write check out my free fitness ebook in the link above I think it's above in the link above to learn oh boy let's review that one told her oh my goodness i just cannot type today that's funny to learn how to get arm to learn how to get strong ripped no strong lean and powerful i like that strongly and powerful boom arm this is going to be really appealing to i guess like CrossFit people huh but yeah you can see this guy is definitely strong lean and I'm sure he's pretty powerful too so that's gonna be my biome so check out my free fitness book in the link above to learn how to get strong lean and powerful so okay so this maybe isn't gonna be an affiliate link but this is going to go to your own website and you know it's super easy to build websites guys it it literally might take you an hour you can even go to fi ve RR dot com get somebody to build a website for you might cost you fifty bucks or something like that infest 50 bucks and building up building a funnel web site and leading to your ebook or leading to you don't say you're giving away an e-book and you're offering an affiliate product or your own product that could goes along with the e-book right so if you buy the if you buy the affiliate product or if you buy the actual product your actual product then get the free ebook and that's what you're talking about here check out my free fitness ebook in the link above to learn how to get strong and powerful so when if they click that link is looking like a free ebook on how to get like this guy then they're going to like they're gonna go over your link they're gonna go over to your website guys again I'm not gonna tell you exactly how to make a website maybe in a future video I've done it before it's really simple or you can just buy it just go to fiber and by a website it doesn't really take that much time and money anyway get you know some good designer to do it for you but ok so it goes to your website right and the person is then prompted with something that says wow I have a program that's three months free money chair back guarantee it'll cost you i don't know eight bucks a month after that and along with that you get a free book and that's what you're talking about but the point is you gotta lead and a lead is really really important guys to making money so that's that's what that's what it's all about is getting leads or even that maybe you get their email address just for getting the free book that's actually a better way to do it guys because it's maybe it's a different way to do it you know maybe it's not better but it's certainly another way to do it is to get a giant email list through generating free leads through Instagram and then giving people free book as their reward for giving you their email address and then you can you know once a while give them you'll give them a lot of value a lot of free stuff a lot of free awesome information and then occasionally like promote your product in the emails guys this is pretty you know it's just about strategy it's about learning the gain and i'm going to try to teach you that maybe a little bit in the future so you want to learn how to do that certainly subscribe to the channel but we're going to get into that in the future this this video's about Instagram so let's let's continue with this video that i love my camera all right so it says here check out my free fitness ebook the link above to learn how to get strong and powerful are essentially set up everything here Bradley tough guy tough guy fitness example of feeling hopefully tough Fitness isn't taken I've got the picture I'm gonna press done are awesome so I got tough guy fitness up okay so it's not in the link above let's let's change that just real fast edit profile yeah example email for video all you have to convert shut up okay um in the link below we need to fix that real fast below ok and lonely below you know it's stupid because they had this above but then in the actual thing it's below that that doesn't make a lot of sense anyway you got to set up right ok you got to set up then you're gonna make some posts it's really easy to post an Instagram you just press this little button here and you're gonna make some posts are going to consistently post try to post every day and something related to fitness you know obviously in my fitness example if you're going to do something related to cars then post one picture of a beautiful car everyday if you doing something related to fitness then maybe have some you know motivational quotes that you post everyday maybe have some pictures of Arnold some pictures of you know these incredible Fitness people these bodybuilders he's beautiful you know well-built people and and do that everyday so build-up consistency that's really important guys consistency is very important ok then the secret to getting a bunch of followers and this also has to do with consistency is what I call active interaction so what you're going to do and you need to find the right audience and I'm gonna tell you exactly how to do that we're going to the search button here and then you're going to go to tags and then you're gonna press in either shoutouts fine but ok i had an example before but I'm actually going to do something a little bit different i'm going to New we're actually do new to Instagram know I've got better what first post that's genius alright first post so first post who's gonna hash tag firstpost look at almost a million posts using the hashtag firstpost people who are going to do that many people with very few followers people who are new to Instagram all right and so let me try to find somebody who's this is just an example and look at this aight followers sorry i don't want to highlight this individual or anything like that but look I'm I'm finding all these random people and hope I mean I at least the first person i looked at did not have a lot of followers this person does but you know like you're going to find a ton of people on this first post area who don't have a lot of followers because people who are hashtagging in their arm in their comments section look 12 likes this person probably does not have a lot of followers believed those people who are hashtagging firstpost wherever it is I know my cameras there we go first post on if you can see that they're so up close but um ok people who are has taking first post are going to be people who are new to Instagram and those the people you want to interact with so what you're going to do is going to go to first post and then going to pick on you know somebody you're going to like their picture and then you're in a comment say goofy you know uh-huh you're going to post and you're going to get back then you're going to be done and then boom you're gonna do that with a bunch of different people because all you're going to find out you know who's new to Instagram who's not this person look its past glory for likes this person is probably relatively new to Instagram you're gonna like the picture there to comment nice nice you know something like that right oh sorry guys I kind of forgot I was holding a camera there for a second alright so essentially you're going to find all these people who are new to Instagram look at this there's I mean like there's a million people here so you're really gonna go there and then you're going to maybe go to New so check out new arm that's that's a good one news a good one um ok well a lot of these aren't exactly new but I want exactly you are not going to exactly new well they may have updated instagramers arrow here we go here's new arm and you're gonna find you know new has more posts but more of them are not going to be by people who are nude and scram that's the trade-off so you're going to find some people who have you know okay actually a lot of these people just have a few likes this person that any likes this person of any likes you know a lot of these people who who post hashtags that essentially communicate to you communicate to the person who's are looking at their Instagram that they are new to Instagram you're going to interact with these people you're going to follow them maybe you're going to comment and like their pictures etc and when they see that you have you know something like this and by the way guys once you have like eight thousand followers and you comment and like a person's picture with you know 1follower to followers almost all of them will end up following you and loving you because wow you're a celebrity look at that so it's kind of a snowflake our snowball effect you know once you get those first hundred hundred 50 followers which you know it takes a little bit of time but it's a little bit of effort it's not too hard maybe you can get some friends to follow you with cetera I'm you can get some kind of I don't know fake followers i wouldn't recommend that doing that you really don't need to do that but you get some initial audience and then the people who have one followers maybe two followers are going to start loving you and they're going to follow you and they're gonna do a lot of great things and because their new instagram they're kind of like I don't know how to say it but it's their kind of innocent and so they're going to people who are like perfect absolutely perfect potential customers then people who are gonna like all of your pictures are going to follow you or maybe sign up for your email list these are the kind of people you want because they're new and they're they're looking for interaction are looking for people who are going to interact with them and you're fulfilling that hope and that's really awesome it's a two-way win everybody wins there and those are the kind of people that are going to get you this eight thousand followers guys as you can see this is no and Instagram I've used before i'm fully controlling it I do really have I have many many of these accounts i just traded around sometimes I experiment different products because essentially you can change whatever your profile says you know you can change a bunch of this stuff and you can change your picture you can change name you can change i'm not actually Bradley tough guy but that's pretty clearly a joke you can change your email you can change your bio etc so you can essentially take one account that has thousands of followers and just switch it for another cat that has or another like theme right so i might take this and go from fitness to arm something else like snowboarding or like logo design or anything like that anything that you're passionate about something that you can really sell something that you can build upon and arm that's what it's all about guys so really and and make sure i guess the most important thing that comes to building these really really profitable Instagram accounts because guys these can make you ridiculous amount of money if you do them properly and i'll probably do a follow up video to this at some point getting a little bit more specific but guys these are insane these little Instagram accounts just interact with people who don't have a lot of followers go to the search again remember go to the search go to first post make sure you go to hash tags or tags and then go to first post something like that and give me and you're going to find so many potential customers on this on this stream of people and the the great thing is is that you can even pull down like this and it will automatically update so let me give you an example let's say someone just have their first post on Instagram let's say they have two followers and immediately somebody with a hundred 50 followers and that's you that person immediately likes their post they're going to say wow some random person with a hundred 50 followers because 2 down they only have what 24 sets at 75 x 250 / 275 so you have 75 times you the audience that they do they're going to think while this person is really special they just like my post they just commented I'm gonna go give them something back I'm gonna follow them and like them and see what they're all about learn about them right because that's you know people who are using Instagram and knew two things are also very curious are looking for exploration and so those are the kind of perfect perfect people who might eventually signed up for an email list we're going to be dedicated to you and as I said before we're really going to follow you and you know like all your posts and stuff like that and you'll make you bigger overall get some a lot of organic traffic by the way is once you have 8708 followers and you start doing a lot of posts you're going to get a bunch of natural organic traffic because that's just the snowball effect if you push a small snowball down a large Hill it's gonna build up its going to nationally gain momentum once it's big enough and so these Instagram accounts guys you know I have Instagram accounts with more followers than this but this was just when I thought to myself hey I can just show this as an example to the guys and hopefully will help them out hopefully this this was a useful video a valuable video because i really think this is one of the number one ways to become profitable to you know to make a lot of money to to do business because guys in the 21st century is easier to start you know six-figure businesses even five-figure seven-figure businesses from nothing from literally nothing from an Instagram account from a twitter account from apps from you know YouTube channel from anything like you seriously have more entrepreneurial potential potential to make a ton of money than you've ever had in the past and I really think that you guys should do your best take advantage of it because you know if you get rich and wealthy and you you know build some Instagram accounts and you can even sell these off I could probably sell this for you a hundred or two hundred bucks at this point maybe a lot more actually because i have i've seen things on the market where you can sell Instagram accounts for way more people have like thirty five thousand followers and selling of like 500 bucks but you know you can go to ebay and do things like that if you ever get tired of this but arm and essentially guys there's so much potential for success here i'm really excited to share this with you guys because this is one of my all-time favorite ways to make money online and by the way guys it's not limited to Instagram you can do this kind of stuff with active interaction as i said before active interaction to people who are new to whatever social media that you're talking about and going interact with them make sure they follow you and like your stuff and you talk to them a little bit to no one and they'll tell their friends about you don't say hey look this person with 3458 thousand it doesn't matter followers interact with me you should go follow them too and you're gonna get so much organic real social just brilliant followers it's going to be wonderful and I guess the last important thing I'm going to say about this guys is that you need to be consistent because its first you're going to start off a little bit slowly you know you'll probably get some good results within the first day but because this is such a simple step-by-step thing I can't believe it this is such a market failure and it's so easy to exploit and just just really utilize to your advantage but I mean you know you're gonna start off a little bit slow and you're going to build and you're going to build and you're gonna build your build and then eventually gonna go and you're gonna skyrocket and that's that's how it always goes with these Instagram accounts so keep with the guys make sure you know make sure you really focus hard and and outsmart the system and do whatever you can to win because that's what it's all about so anyway yeah that's that's pretty much it for this video Bradley tough guys here talking about this section that's actually not me as i said before my name is Peter but yeah i really hope this can help you guys out I know a lot of you are looking to make a lot of money online this is certainly a brilliant brilliant way to do so so yeah I think that's it i think i pretty much covered everything I can talk about facebook marketing and a lot of other social media marketing the future but that was it for Instagram and I might come back to this later and show you guys more in-depth Instagram but but that's that all right anyway thank you guys very much for watching I really appreciate it if you want to follow tough-guy fitness then go for it Bradley tough guys gonna be here and I might go mess around with this account i don't know but yeah I mean like you can really do this kind of thing guys and it's it's going to bring you tremendous success anyway if you guys want to make money online going gato is seriously your number one place to learn this YouTube channel is all about providing tremendous value and making you guys rich and wealthy the entire theme of golden grotto at the beginning of every videos opportunities for wealth and I'm being serious so thank you guys very much for watching and if you liked more of my videos then you can subscribe and I'll see you guys next time
