hey everyone this is pitiful gato and today I am really really really excited to bring you guys a video an awesome video this is hopefully gonna be in a really really valuable thing and I'm gonna be explaining how to make money with instagram i'm going to use instagram i'm going to do it step-by-step this might be a fairly long video but I'm gonna try to make this as clear as obvious as easy and simple step-by-step as pretty as possible because i know that's that's really the way we like to learn is to example so I'm going to through example show you guys exactly how to do it and show you guys the kind of results that I've gotten in the past quickly before that if you guys want easy step-by-step videos just like this one showing how you can make money online and at home please subscribe the golden got a YouTube channel there's a ton of videos and I'm going to help you get successful that's my that's my plan that's my goal for...